American Dream Cars is a collector car and street rod classified web site. We provide free photo ads for collector cars, street rods and collectible motorcycles and there are many collector cars, muscle cars, street rods, motorcycles and custom cars for sale on our site. All the cars for sale on this site belong to their owners - not to us. If you want more information about a car on this site please use the contact information in the ad. If the contact information in the ad is no longer current please let us know and we will remove the ad. Every ad on this site is reviewed and approved by a human who is knowledgeable about collector cars before it is posted, to ensure that the car is actually collectible and that the ad is not some kind of a scam. Humans, especially humans who know something about old cars, are much harder to fool than computers. Based on our experience there have been very few fraudulant ads submitted to this site over the years and as far as we know none have ever made it onto the site. The fraudsters go elsewhere because we are alert to their tricks. American Dream Cars has been online with collector car classified ads since 1998. We now average over half a million visits a month and are still growing. Click Here to see the Collector Cars and Street Rods currently for sale on our site. |
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